I am ultra intentional with how I invest my time and attention.
Not because I’m born as a ‘structured’ or ‘disciplined’ person,
in fact I used to waste hours per day on distractions and uncontrolled impulses.
But the more I clarified what freedom means to me, and what I enjoy spending my time on the most… the more I recognized the importance of proper time allocation.
Because every hour spent on activities such as
📲 Doom scrolling
🍻 Late night drinking
📧 Sifting through emails
💨 Micro-transitioning between reactive tasks
💢 Dealing with energy drainers
Is COSTING me time that could otherwise be spent on
🧠 Solving high level problems
🧑🏻💻 Executing needle movers
💜 Spending time with friends & family
🏀 Playing basketball
🙃 Netflix and chill
You can waste money and get it back. But you can never get back the time you wasted.
Eliminate distractions and impulses,
Outsource low value tasks that drain your energy,
Clarify what you love spending time on and reallocate your time towards them.
That’s my list of what I love spending time on, what’s your’s?