June 6, 2024


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The caliber of our clients over the past few months has elevated significantly.

Part of it can be attributed towards the expansion of our mission and overall ‘frequency’.

Part of it can be attributed towards the new upgrades we’ve been rolling out for fulfillment.

I’m writing this not only because I want to repel people who aren’t a good fit, I also want to show how increasing lead and client quality actually looks like.

1️⃣ First let’s talk frequency:

Life is a mirror. Who you are determines who you attract.

In order to attract world class clients, you have to be world class in what you do.

Early in my career I’ve tried to increase my lead quality by writing better copy, changing my brand message…etc only to keep running in circles. Not because I’m not good enough at marketing, but because my past self was not the kind of person my dream clients would want to work with.

As a result of elevating my identity and level of play, my clients today are legitimate business owners with vision that goes beyond “getting more clients than the month before”.

The energy signature that they & I emit resonate with each other, and that is what ultimately allows us to create amazing partnerships.

2️⃣ Second, there’s fulfillment (aka client experience):

Thanks to the sky high level of skepticism the overall market has these days, everyone’s BS meter is turned up to the highest sensitivity level.

That said, by trying to be the “expert of all things” or pretending to be someone you are not… you’ll just become a magnet for unsophisticated and unqualified leads. And EVEN if you convert them (which you shouldn’t), you’ll end up hating your business as they drain the life out of you.

Going back to my previous point – you have to be world class at what you do to attract the world class clients you want to have.

I openly share the kind of work I’m doing with clients. In fact The Intelligent Delegator Group itself is a documentary of how our fulfillment process has evolved over the past 2 years.

I stuck to my lane because I want to be the best at what I do, so that I can best serve clients who are the best at what they do.

Legitimacy builds trust and game respects game. 🏆🏆

Read that again because that’s the key right there.

I will never stop evolving and my clients are relying on that so they can evolve alongside me.

With the freight train-level momentum we have built, people who are on the sidelines can either jump in or get left behind because we ain’t stopping.

This may sound harsh but that’s because we’re in a recessionary environment and the rule of the game is Adapt or Die. The former group will take all the market share from the latter group.

And we have zero interest in being in the latter group.

The future is bright and I can’t wait for all that’s to come for 2024 and beyond! 🚀


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"80% of results come from 20% of causes.
A few things are important; most are not."
- Richard Koch